Tuesday, February 11, 2020
12:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
The program will feature the true life story of the heroic Four Chaplains—a Catholic, a Jew, and two Protestant Chaplains in the US Army who in February 1943 gave up their own life preservers to others as a US military ship was sinking. The program will be presented by Dr. Carroll Londoner and Dr. Dean Decker, both retired university professors.
Please make your reservations by Friday, February 7 by calling the Church Office, or filling out the form below. Lunch is $12 per person.
The Comma Club is a group that meets once a month for lunch and a program at the church. On occasion the group plans a day trip in pursuit of their constant curiosity and desire to learn new things. The Comma Club is primarily made up of senior adults, though it is not a requirement; anyone interested in a program or trip is invited. Monthly luncheons and trips are posted online.