Saturday, October 27, 2018
4:00-5:00 p.m., Back (North) Parking Lot
In the event of inclement weather, all activities will be moved inside of the church. Trick or treating, games, and food will be in the Fellowship Hall, other tricks and fun will be in the Lower Commons area. (Please park in the North Parking Lot and enter through the Lower Commons.)
Join us for this free, family-friendly event for all ages. There will be food, games, and trick or treating for children. Adults, decorate your car and hand out candy!
Don’t forget to bring a non-persishable food donation (or four) for the River City Faith Network Baptist Centers!
Click here to claim your FREE tickets to the event and/or to reserve your parking spot to pass out treats!
Our goal is to have at least 60 cars giving away candy and treats for the kids. Even if you don’t have children, we’d love to have you participate. This is an excellent opportunity to welcome the many guests from the community who attend this wonderful outreach of the church. It’s difficult to estimate how many children will be trunk or treating but please plan on at least 200-300. Decorating your car is optional but encouraged (doesn’t have to be elaborate). The event starts at 4:00 p.m. but please have your car parked and decorated between 3:30-3:45 pm. Other volunteer opportunities include: Set-up, parking, clean-up, games attendants and food attendants. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kim Crowley (804-288-1131).