People will ask me what is the important thing about ministry to children. For me, it is that children know they are loved; loved by me, and their church family. Part of loving children is meeting them where they are, both on their faith journey and where they physically are.

I love seeing all of our children at RRCB. I enjoy singing with them in choir, learning with them in Sunday School, and praying with them in Children’s Church. I also know they have passions outside the church walls which include soccer, gymnastics, baseball, piano, and other activities. I want to know about them! Parents, let me know what is going on in your child’s life, and how I can support them. An essential part of ministry is meeting people where they are: inside and outside of the church building. Is there an upcoming soccer or baseball game, or school play? I would love to attend. How can I support your family outside the church walls? I want to know. Church is more than just a building. It’s loving each other and supporting each other in all aspects of our lives.

When we drive up to church, my daughter Erica will say, “Mama! It’s my church!” While the building may be the first thing she sees, I also know her excitement is not about the building, but about the people. The people who speak to her, give her high fives and hugs, and her friends in Sunday School. As I look to support and love your family, thank you for loving and supporting mine.

“People were bringing children to Jesus so that he would bless them. But the disciples scolded them. When Jesus saw this, he grew angry and said to them, ‘Allow the children to come to me. Don’t forbid them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people like these children. I assure you that whoever doesn’t welcome God’s kingdom like a child will never enter it.’  Then he hugged the children and blessed them.” Mark 10:13-16

Written by Kim Crowley