I want to be baptized because I want to follow Jesus. In the Christmas story, the Wisemen were going to King Herod. The king wanted to know where Jesus was because he wanted to be the only king of the land. He knew that Jesus was already born. But the Wisemen were, well, wise. They saw the very same star as the Shepherds did. They brought Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. When they were on their way home, they decided to go a different way. I think I know why they did that. They were changed. They knew that going back to Herod would put Jesus in danger.
I came to know about Jesus by going to Church, Passport, and other camps. Jesus changed me like the Wisemen. Except in a different way. I feel generally kinder because of him. They brought gifts to Jesus. I bring him gifts too. I sometimes draw different things in the Bible like the word Love that is on my mom’s desk. My gifts may not do much, but they will do something. Many people just need love, and maybe I can make a few more drawings and give them to people, but maybe they can say something like this: Hope, Love, Peace, and Kindness.
Church is just important to me in many ways because it is where different people can become friends and where we learn about Jesus and how he died to forgive our sins. Today is important to me because I become a follower of Jesus. I want to be someone who helps others feel love when they might not feel loved. I want to be someone who helps bring peace. Jesus will help me do this by helping me make the right decisions on what to say.
Written by Mollie I.
Originally published in the 2018 Summer Quarterly Explorer
Inquirer’s Class
September 16 & 23, October 14 & 21, November 4 & 11
9:00-9:40 a.m., Youth Area
Inquirer’s Classes will be held six times this fall and are open to older elementary and youth students. The purpose of the class is to give your student a good foundation in their faith so that they may feel ready to explore the option of baptism. Marnie Fisher-Ingram and Kim Crowley will be facilitating these classes. Click here to sign up by September 9 to let them know your student is attending.