The Second Sunday in Lent
Service of Worship
11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Sermon by Kim Crowley
“What’s in a Name?”
God changes the names of both Abraham and Sarah in a moment of blessing. Jesus calls Peter ‘Satan’ in a moment of rebuke. What does our name as Christian and follower of Jesus say about us? Are we living up to our name?

This Sunday we celebrate Martha Stearns Marshall Month of Preaching. Since 2007, the month of February has been recognized by Baptist Women in Ministry and partner churches as a time to invite women in ministry to preach. This annual event encourages our church and others to publicly voice our support of women in ministry, and celebrate the call and gifts of women.

Scripture Texts:
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Mark 8:27-38

Music by the Chancel Choir & River Road Camerata
Come, My Way — Ralph Vaughan Williams — River Road Camerata
Greater Love Hath No Man — John Ireland — Chancel Choir

Following worship we will have a reception recognizing Dan and Janet Bagby in the Fellowship Hall.