We give because we are thankful for this church and the people here.

When we moved to Richmond from Bermuda in 2009, we began looking for a church. In Bermuda, we were members of the Church of Scotland. The tiny church was founded in 1719 and had no air conditioning, so on hot Bermuda days, they would leave the church doors and windows open (no screens). We usually had a nice breeze. And occasionally a critter. (If you want to feel the presence of God, try having a butterfly or lizard visit you in the middle of a worship service.) Even though Richie and I were both raised Baptist, we were willing to cast a wide net when looking for a church in Richmond because we had such a wonderful experience at Christchurch Warwick. There are a lot of churches in Richmond…

So we looked and looked. Oddly enough, I was not especially eager to try River Road Church, Baptist because it looked a little too fancy for us, considering our last church. When we finally attended River Road Church, Baptist, we heard Dr. Clingenpeel on a Sunday, and that was it. I think it was my fourth or fifth Sunday when Padgett Shoemake asked if I would help with Vacation Bible School. After that, I helped Marge Rusher and Mr. and Mrs. Redford with first and second grade Sunday School. Now, I am privileged to teach third grade Sunday School. Who knew?

And who knew that Holden would meet Dr. Bob and learn so much about music? And who knew that Richie would get to be a deacon? Who knew that Elizabeth would be friends – in church and out of church – with Claire and Amanda and Emelia?

None of us knew. We knew that this church was the place for us, and all of our lives have been touched by the people here. I cannot imagine our lives without this church. Even though there aren’t any critters.

There are a lot of churches in Richmond. We are thankful to call this one ours, and we are happy to give in support of it.

Written by Richard & Sharon Seward