River Road Church, Baptist is my home. When I came to the church for the first time in May of 1995, Ann and Sid Hays welcomed me into the kindergarten Sunday School class. From that time on, I could not imagine being anywhere else.
I have grown up at River Road Church. My family and friends are here. I want to take part by attending services and activities and bringing my gift of money. These things are important to me.
Written by Shelley Lantz
For the past 22 years, River Road Church, Baptist has been our church home. We have watched our children grow up and get married in this church. Now we have two grandchildren who are growing in their faith at River Road Church. Our Christian stewardship is a natural extension of all of this as we give thanks to God for all that he has bestowed upon us.
Here is what Christian stewardship means to us. There are three dimensions to Christian stewardship. The first is financial. Responsibilities go along with membership in River Road Church. Since God has blessed our family in so many ways, it is important to acknowledge our gratitude by contributing monetary gifts to support the ministries of the church.
While our family understands the importance of monetary contributions to pay the staff, minister to those in need, purchase our Sunday School materials, and keep the lights on, we also realize that stewardship includes more than a weekly contribution in the offering plate. It includes sharing our God-given talents to teach a Sunday School class, feed the homeless, sing in the choir, distribute worship bulletins on Sunday morning, or help with repairs and maintenance of the physical plant.
Finally, Christian stewardship is demonstrated in the use of our time. While all are allotted the same amount of time, how we choose to spend it may indicate our level of gratitude to God for God’s blessings. Because we cannot make up or recover time, the donation of our time may be as sacrificial as our monetary contributions.
Our family is thankful for the many ways River Road Church has ministered and contributes to minister to us. May our contributions of money, talents, and time reflect in some small way our gratefulness.
Written by Cynthia & Ken Lantz