Stewardship at River Road Church
Growing Generosity: Thankful for Our Beloved Community
Pledge Goal: $1,350,000
Together we can grow generosity and preserve, and expand, our beloved community.
The goal for 2024 is $1.35 million, a 6% increase over the total of last year’s pledges. This is an achievable and prudent goal given the inflationary pressures of the national economy.
Together we can do this.
Commitment Sunday
Sunday, October 29, 2023
River Road Church, Baptist has a long and strong tradition of pledging support for the church’s operating budget. In 2023, 215 individuals and/or families pledged $1,280,173 toward the church’s operating budget. This represents 85% percent of the total income the church received through the offering plate and online giving.
This significant pledging effort has a number of advantages:
- It encourages individuals and/or families to establish personal giving goals.
- It is an essential part of the budget preparation process: the budget is created after individuals and/or families indicate how much they will give in the coming year. The more we pledge, the more we can budget to support and grow our congregation’s ministries.
- Pledges give the ministries of the church confidence budgeted funds will in fact be there to support the planning efforts of the congregation’s ministries.
- Pledges provide critical information about the church’s cash flow expectations, insuring the smooth financial operation of the church.
As beloved community, we long to grow and expand what we do as a congregation for the larger Kingdom. When we grow our pledges, we grow the church’s budget and our congregation’s ability to make a greater difference in a needy world.
Dear Friends,
How big are your dreams for our church? Commitment Sunday (October 29, 2023) is an opportunity to put substance to our dreams.
On Commitment Sunday we offer financial pledges for the coming year. Thereafter, the Finance Committee creates the Church Budget based, largely, on the total of our individual pledges. The more we pledge the larger the Church Budget for 2024 and the greater impact our church will have in our community and beyond.
Our theme this year is Growing Generosity: Thankful for Our Beloved Community. Our goal is $1.35 million; a 6% increase over the total amount pledged last year. Given national inflationary trends, a 6% increase in pledges will keep us on a steady course.
We all are surely pleased with the ‘steady course’ that is RRCB; yet, I see “fields white unto harvest.” Imagine all the good we could do with additional budgetary income; every additional 1% increase in total pledges (above a 6% increase) represents an additional $130,000 we can put to good use for the Kingdom.
How big are your dreams for our church?
Thanks for all you do,
Ron Crawford and the Generosity Team (Stewardship Committee)
Dear River Road Family,
Yesterday was a good day. It was one of those days which reminded me just how much River Road Church means to our us and to our community.
When I arrived in the office in the morning, I opened my mail to find a thank you note from one of our mission partners. Please allow me to quote: “We give God thanks for the many ways that River Road Church, Baptist supports us. First and foremost, you pray for us—and that means more than anything! Second, each quarter you send us a very generous offering. We know these gifts are made possible by the sacrificial giving of your members, and we promise to use your gifts wisely as we serve God’s children here in Richmond, Virginia. We thank God for you.”
Shortly after lunch, I met with a member of our church who had recently lost his spouse. After we talked through details regarding the upcoming memorial service, I asked him how I might pray for him. He said, “Daniel, please pray that God will allow me to show my gratitude to this church. River Roaders have called me every day since the death occurred. That has meant so much. I love my church.”
Just before the end of the day, I met with one of our teenagers, an active member of our church’s youth group, as she asked for my help in preparing the Stewardship Moment I had asked her to deliver in an upcoming worship service. After she read it to me, she said, “I feel like my remarks are awfully personal, like I’m just talking about me.” I replied, “You’re right, this is very personal. But that’s what makes it meaningful. You are sharing with us what River Road Church means to you. And I hope you know how much you mean to us.”
As I drove home from church, I looked through my windshield at a beautifully painted sky at sunset. It dawned on me once again how lucky I am. Serving as your pastor, every day I receive reminders of your faithfulness to God and your commitment to one another. What’s more, I know how grateful you are to be a part of this family of faith.
My stewardship appeal this year is rather simple. Please take a moment to reflect upon what River Road Church means to you, and how God has blessed you through this family. And then, please prayerfully consider your gift to God’s work in and through our church.
Enclosed is a pledge card. We invite you to fill this out and bring it to church on or before Commitment Sunday, October 29, 2023. We need your faithful support.
Thank you for your generosity to our church as together we seek to bring heaven to earth.
Daniel Glaze