This Mission Moment was originally read in worship on Sunday, April 10, 2016

Catch the spirit…

Open your mind, as we begin a fresh, exciting opportunity and embark on a journey of possibility.  Would you join others at River Road Church in a creative endeavor?  Would you help extend our success through missions?

The Endowment Board entrusted our Board of Missions with a $100,000 grant to engage more members through missions.  A team of eight has met regularly — evaluating, hearing from experts in missions, hearing from you, looking inward, examining ways to use this grant.

In the process of reviewing our options in the community, we learned several things.  First, we learned that church members believe mission engagement is vital to spiritual growth.  Second, we are convinced that commitment to, and involvement in, missions is necessary for the future of our church.  Third, we believe that becoming more missional involves doing, and it demands that every one of us considers what God is calling us to do.  Finally, we are persuaded that we are most effective in missions when we work in partnership with others.

With this conviction, and a desire to use the grant in a thoughtful way, we invite you to join together in partnership for missions and outreach with a local Richmond congregation, Westover Baptist Church.

Many meaningful opportunities exist for our church to partner in the important work this church is doing in their Westover Hills neighborhood, for the Westover members to engage in mission projects at River Road, and to collaborate on new projects together in the future. This will allow all ages, including children and youth, to engage in service to the Lord.

PrintCatch the spirit…

On Sunday, May 1, all of you are invited to gather following worship for lunch and to take a field trip to Westover Baptist Church, meet their members, tour the facilities, and see their community.  The engaging, young pastor is the Rev. Mary Mann, who grew up at Westover when her father was minister there and who served as youth minister here at River Road.  Westover is a beautiful church with endless, exciting opportunities for local engagement: youth and music activities, Vacation Bible School, large community events hosted at the church, such as a July 4 event during which over 300 people gather to view the Dogwood Dell fireworks from the steps of the church.

Talents will be needed for construction, repairs, food collection for the vibrant food pantry, development of a growing clothes closet, health services through nurses of both congregations, the options go on.

Open your minds for this new partnership.  Prepare your hearts for the journey of possibility.  Catch the Spirit!