On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 the Pastor Search Committee held its first meeting.  We determined early on the need to keep the congregation informed regularly of our activities.

The following officers were elected: Hilton Almond, Chair; George Davis, Vice-Chair; and Fred Anderson, Secretary.

We are acutely aware of the enormity of this assignment and are appreciative of the confidence the congregation has expressed in us. We seek your prayerful support as together we begin this journey.  We developed a set of guidelines for operation of the committee, modeled on guidelines established by the 2003 Pastor Search Committee, and began a discussion of ways to elicit input from the congregation either through surveys and/or listening sessions.  We anticipate an email function through RRCB to easily facilitate messaging to committee members. Once the email function is available, we will announce it and the email address. We will continue to communicate on a regular basis through e-Spire and the Pastor Search section of the website (www.rrcb.org/pastorsearch).  In the meantime please remember who is on the Pastor Search Committee and feel free to communicate with us in any way:  Hilton Almond; Fred Anderson; George Davis; Bill Gray; Clint Hubbard; Andy McAllister; Eleanor Nurney; Susan Phillips; Seth Roberts; Padgett Shoemake; Jane Terry, first alternate; and Norma Hays, second alternate.