Adult Wednesday Night Program – October 1

With encouragement from the Committee on Spiritual and Missional Growth, sermons on September Sundays will unpack the theme of spiritual discernment. Each Wednesday evening during the month, the adult study will feature additional material not contained in the prior Sunday’s sermon. Church members are invited to participate in these Wednesday conversations or “talkback” sessions with the pastor about the prior Sunday’s sermon.

The conversation on October 1 will discuss how to move spiritual discernment from our closets to our sanctuary. The sermon is available online.

Coming up Wednesday, October 8:


Dinners are currently being catered, so the menu varies from what has been offered previously and our attendance count needs to be collected earlier than before.

Menu for Adults and Children: Baked Chicken Breast, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Peas, Tossed Salad, Rolls, & Apple Pie

Make your dinner reservations by Wednesday, September 24 at 5:00 p.m.  You may contact the Church Office, email Susan Young, fill out the form below, or place a reservation card in the offering plate on September 21.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Wednesday Night Dinner Reservation’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’# Adults’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’# Youth’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’# Children’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Dinner on 10/1′ type=’checkbox’/][contact-field label=’Dinner on 10/8′ type=’checkbox’/][/contact-form]

Regular Wednesday Schedule

  • 5:15 p.m.  Children’s dinner line opens
  • 5:30 p.m.  Adult dinner line opens
  • 6:00 p.m.  Children’s Choirs
    • Cherub Choir, Preschool Area
    • Carol Choir, Youth Choir Room
    • Crusader Choir, Main Choir Room
  • 6:00 p.m.  Youth Group, Youth Area
  • 6:30 p.m.  Adult Program, Assembly Room or Fellowship Hall
  • 6:30 p.m.  Chancel Bell Choir, Bell Room
  • 6:45 p.m.  Mission Kids, Children’s Area