Dan Bagby is a particularly busy guy. Here are a couple of opportunities, if you’re interested in these issues, or know someone who may be interested, where you can listen to Dan Bagby speak at events outside of RRCB. Contact Dan for more information if you’re interested in any of these events.
- Aging with Grace, September 23, speaking on “Grief and Support Care for Aging Congregations,” 9:30-10:45 AM
- Divorce Recovery Workshop at FBC Richmond, on “Grief” (Sept. 28), “Anxiety and Depression (Oct.5), and “Guilt and Rejection” (Oct. 12), 6:15-7 PM
- Speaking at Union Presbyterian Seminary Belk Center on “Money, Addiction, and Anxiety” at 6:10-7:20 PM (3rd in a 6-part series on “Money” at UPS).
- Speaking to State Intentional Ministers’ Workshop, VBMB, on “Unrealistic Expectations, Grief, Toxic Baggage, and Conflict Care,” 10AM-Noon, October 9
- MCV’s Good Grief Conference (9-4PM) October 20, Leading a workshop on “Compassion Fatigue” (2:40/3:40), Crown Plaza Downtown Hotel
- Deacon Workshop, Derbyshire Baptist Church, November 1st, 9AM-noon
- Addressing State Police Chaplains’ Fall workshop on “Suicide Survivors Care” November 14, 10-11AM, Henrico County Police Headquarters