It’s funny to think how much we depend on our email now. Many of us still call people, but email has become a much more convenient and easier way to communicate. And what happens anytime we become comfortable or dependent on something? It breaks, and we don’t know what to do.

In recent weeks we are learning that some of our members have not been getting emails from the church. We want to let you know that we are working to try to not only repair the problem, but understand why this is happening.

From our investigation, it appears that Comcast and Verizon customers ([username] / [username] are the ones who are being affected by this mystery. (If you are not using one of these email clients and you are not receiving our emails, please call the Church Office.)

Many providers have their default email settings to automatically discard spam (we can confirm Comcast does this). This sounds like a good plan, except in cases like ours where providers view us as potential spam, therefore you are not getting our emails! Our recommendation to you is to check your spam settings, and if the option is there, edit your settings to save spam. Our emails should now get delivered to your inbox. If it still marks our emails as spam, it will help if you add the email addresses to your address book. It is also worth checking your spam folder every so often (before you delete the messages) to make sure you’re not missing any other emails from organizations or companies.

While we are working toward a solution, I want to let you know that there are alternate ways to find approximately 90-95% of the information that you would receive through email. These outlets and resources are always available.

The first place to always check is our website (

  • Calendar – The church calendar is available online in multiple formats (all the same information).
  • Publications – This is a page where you can find PDF versions of the bulletin, Connections, e-Spire, monthly Explorer, quarterly Explorer, and other miscellaneous publications.
  • Events – You can visit the Upcoming Events section to see a list of posts about upcoming events. Don’t see a specific event posted? If it is was in the monthly Explorer, then it has a schedule date, and it will be posted soon. If it wasn’t in the monthly Explorer, then we probably don’t know about it yet (

What you’re probably going to miss, and it isn’t available on the website, are notices about youth, children, boards, committees, and any other small groups that are sent out from a staff person ([username] (If a staff person is not responsible for sending you information, then you should not have any problems.) Fear not, there are detours to an end point! (We are about the begin the digital buddy system!)

  • Youth – If you’re looking for the weekly reminder email, check the Youth’s Facebook group. Not on Facebook? Find a buddy to send you the link the email.
  • Children
    • If you’re a parent (or adult who brings children to church) looking for announcements or resources sent out by email, check the Children’s Facebook group. Not on Facebook? Find a buddy to send you the link to the email.
    • If you’re a children’s volunteer looking for a weekly reminder, I would check your calendars extra carefully and buddy up with the lead teacher to confirm your Sunday.
  • Boards, Committees, & Other Small Groups – If you’re expecting something from a staff member, I would always double check with your chair/leader. Another way to check is to find a buddy in your circle to check and confirm with.

In the end, if all else fails, we will have go back in time and use archaic technology such as telephones to call the Church Office. In case we have to resort to such desperate measures, the Church Office phone number is 804-288-1131.