In 1985, River Road Church began conducting outreach mission projects, both in the community, throughout the eastern United States and overseas. Twenty-seven years later, youth and adults of our church will conduct their 38th project. This year the team will do a “Thank You” at our church. The group will stay at The Roslyn Conference Center and work each day at the church. Painting in the elementary Sunday school area, cleaning out storage closets, cleaning the stage area, storing costumes and drama equipment and assisting with other duties will more than occupy our days. The team will also prepare an evening meal for the MCV Hospitality House.
During the past 27 years, the church has provided substantial funds, through the budget and individual gifts. Those funds have rehabbed houses from Florida to Virginia. They have built a dining hall and cabins in Maine. They have helped build new homes in our city. More importantly, those funds have changed lives. Members of the first team in 1985, now have their children involved in the 2012 project. Saying “Thank You” seems so small. Hopefully, the long-term benefits to our church have made your gifts and kind words meaningful.
This year, 21 youth and 13 adults will comprise the 2012 mission team. The tour will take place during the week of August 5-11. We would appreciate your prayers and thoughts during this time. The following individuals are members of the 2012 team:
Marguerite Bostic Skyler Mang Emily Phillips
Taylor Bostic Madeleine McAllister Beth Rooney
Zach Bostic Julia McGuire Meg Rooney
Harrison Clark Amanda Miller Anne Rusher
Emily Cothran Jake Nurney Bill Rusher
Gregg Cothran Jordan Nurney Grant Schowalter
Alex Franck Chester Phelps Regan Standlick
Elizabeth Franck Emma Phelps Cathy Whitty
Deanna Gulick Harry Phelps Emily Whitty
Jack Heisler Kristen Phelps John Whitty
Sara Heisler Margaret Phelps J.T. Whitty
Michael Whitty