If you are planning to make a payment on your 2015 pledge, we must receive it in the Church Office by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, December 31 or it must be postmarked by December 31 to be counted on your 2015 pledge to the Church. Anything received after the above dates will be applied to 2016.

Please note that online contributions through the church’s website or your bank normally have a holding period that can take a few days. So, the date that you initiate the transaction will often not be the date we receive the contribution. If you are planning a year-end online contribution, please allow for a few extra days to be sure it can be counted for this year.

If you plan to donate stock, please advise LeAnne Lane so proper credit can be given to you. Also if you have donated stock to the Church and have not let us know of your donation, please contact LeAnne or call 804-288-1131.

To ensure the deductibility of your Church contributions, please do not file your 2015 income tax return until you have received your year-end contributions statement from the Church. Under IRS rules, you may lose your deduction for some or all of your contributions if you file your tax return before receiving a written acknowledgement of your 2015 contributions from the Church.